Short bio:
I would describe myself as generalist with many specialisations, a professional and volunteer with high motivation and (when healthy) great constructive energy to improve this world from within. With pillars in management, management information systems and complexity, I tend to combine strategy, tactics, operations and project management to facilitate collective co-evolution.
After completing double PhD degree in Business Economics from Ghent University Belgium (UGENT) with mentor Prof. Dr. Geert Poels, with PhD in Management at University St. Kliment Ohridski Bitola, North Macedonia (UKLO) with mentor Prof. Dr. Gjorgji Manceski, I currently work as: associate professor at UKLO and (voluntary) postdoc at UGENT, as well as Institutional Erasmus Coordinator at UKLO, with the newest - project coordinator for UKLO in our latest achievement COLOURS European Alliance. Since 2015, I am also engaged as European Commission evaluator for projects in Horizon 2020, and as consultant of the Gauss Institute North Macedonia. Before academia, I was a practitioner for almost a decade - a banker in international financial institution ProCredit Bank - with HQ in Frankfurt Germany, mostly on middle management positions - head of HR, branch manager, project coordinator, … I am Ghent University alumni ambassador since 2015 and Strategic advisory board member since 2023,, Western Balkans Alumni Association Head of research team since 2019, Elsevier Advisory Panel member since 2015, Harvard CID PDIA Community of Practice Alumni since 2017, and during the pandemic, I was EUvsVirus project manager for academia and R&D partners.
My research in ‘Tactical management in complexity: managerial and informational aspects’ has been fruitful way to build bridges of multiple disciplines (information systems, management, complexity, ...), countries and is being applied in diverse settings. It was also published by Springer as exceptional PhD thesis.
The voluntary experiences within academia, the region of Western Balkans and the EUvsVirus, as well as multiple others, predominantly immersed as academic citizen, resulted with initiating and facilitating open innovation in science collaboration under the name of Academia diffusion experiment, with global scholars and practitioners, which fruited with the latest book published by Springer Nature, Facilitation in Complexity: from Creation to Co-creation, from Dreaming to Co-dreaming, from Evolution to Co-evolution. The chapters of this book have laid the foundation for the European University Alliance COLOURS, especially with the Triple transition: Social, Green and Digital, as well as the blueprints for co-creation in challenge-based teaching, learning and research, hackathons and academia diffusion experiments with societal actors.
Setting pathways in unchartered territories, co-dreaming, co-creating and co-evolving are the things I dive in with challenge, pleasure and passion for.